Tuesday, March 18, 2008

A Greener, Leaner City - Ras Al Khaimah

I haven't gotten all planner on all your asses because planning is handling me pretty well these past few weeks. I'm buried in work and don't see an end in sight.

Here's something to feed your city needs, and it comes in the form or Rem Koolhaas' Gateway Eco City in the ever-booming United Arab Emirates. It's goal is similar to the development in Masdar, and includes that of zero-carbon, and zero-waste. The interesting thing about this development is that they planned it in such a way that the least amount of direct sunlight will strike the city’s buildings during the warmest times of day. That's brilliant. I need to see how they figured that out!

I don't want to write about it, because I've been writing enough about cities, so you can read more about it at Inhabitat. Be sure to check out the associated links to Office for Metropolitan Architecture (OMA) as well.

1 comment:

Isabel said...

Why are you so cute?! I love Inhabitat, especially Prefab Fridays. I don't know what it is about pre-fab housing but they're just so pretty! Let's move to some European country and live in pre-fab houses with wood furniture with funny names