Thursday, March 13, 2008

Aitor Throup

Aitor Throup is a London-based illustrator, fashion designer and must be a rising star because his shit is bananas (yes, b-a-n-a-n-a-s)!

I want this jacket with the lion on the back!
Pretty imaginative stuff. The poses he uses for his illustrations are so dynamic and full of action, even when they are just modeling his clothing. Throup's website has a gallery of his drawings - definitely worth checking out. You can catch a glimpse of his influences through his illustrations which seem to include super-heroic physicality, eastern religion, and some of his designs look like they could be used for a Final Fantasy game. Someone should get Throup to do costumes in a movie or something, similar to what Jean-Paul Gaultier did for the Fifth Element.

He's taking fashion to the next level - a level which he seems to have defined by himself. You can read more about his process here. It also illustrates this process from initial sketches to the transformation into material pieces.

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