Sunday, January 13, 2008

New American Paintings

If one would ever question painting's validity in the diverse world of contemporary art, they should check out New American Paintings' cataloge. It is considered an art competition as a jury reviews over five thousand American artists annually and are categorized by region: North-eastern, Mid-Atlantic, Southern, Midwestern, Western, and Pacific Coast - with subject matter varying based on location.

The artists selected are provided free space in the publication based on their artistic merit and have a chance to be noticed by a wider audience of collectors. It comes out six times a year but offers an insight to the artist and their work through written rationales of their work. It is a great way to stay current on emerging painters of this age, a field which doesn't get much attention in this contemporary period (more focused on photo-based work, installations, video, digital work and drawing). New American Paintings show that the art of painting is still alive and well and co-exist within the realm of Contemporary art.

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