Sunday, November 25, 2007

Who Watches ..... The Simpsons??

I just caught last week's episode of The Simpsons (via to catch up before tonight's new episode. I'm a Smallville guy and usually watch that over The Simpons on Sunday nights.

The synopsis is that a new comic store opens up giving Comic Book Guy's Android's Dungeon a run for it's money. Jack Black plays the cool comic book store's owner which has modern art, things from Japan and video games. The only reason I'm writing about this is because this episode also featured comic book legends: Alan Moore (The Watchmen, V for Vendetta, and many other masterpieces), Art Spiegelman (Maus) and Dan Clowes (Ghost World, Eightball)!

Alan Moore is the shit and I'm glad they put his hairy self into The Simpsons. It was good that they played on his distaste of taking his work and readapting it through other mediums. He was against V for Vendetta the film and didn't want his name associated with it although it was his creation.

Check out The Watchmen movie site for updates on the upcoming film. Although Moore isn't down, I can't wait for it! Who watches the Watchmen?



Isabel said...

where did you get those simpsons screencaps??

the_sounder said...


they have something on each simpsons episode and each include the episode specific promo art (which i dig).

tanvir said...

Did you guys see the mindblowing trailer? I didn't get the reference in that Simpsons episode back then, but now I do.